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The And other things.
Here is the latest build of Purple House, just in time for GDC. The inventory works....better. There's a place to put your plants. Be careful closing the invent...
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Final fixes for FA 2022 Session
A few areas of polish were accomplished this week to accompany Purple House's final build for the Fall 2022 session. Mainly, art that was not consistent with th...
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Purple House: Music and Inventory System
We've been busy! As you can see there's a new build here. For this build we've implemented an inventory system as well as started to implement Plutonian Product...
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When you fix one thing...
There appears to be an issue with the loading of screens that is not present in the engine (just on itch)... Might be a bit for the fix to this one, but you can...
Fixed sizing issue and added mobile support
The sizing issue has been fixed, several dead ends have been fixed, and as a bonus we've added mobile/touch support. Still working on an inventory/plant room in...
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New plants and storyline added
Hello! We've spent some time revising and expanding the plants available to grow at PurpleHouse. The storyline has also been adjusted. Instead of 4 outcomes, we...
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